What are the different event source types?

Vizion's API supplies ocean freight milestones that contain a source property indicating the data source of the event.

Each event retrieved through Vizion’s API will display the corresponding source of the milestone using a source property. This property can have one of three possible values

When the source property of an event shows "carrier", it means that the information was provided by the ocean carrier. This source is the most common as it directly comes from the carrier's systems.

AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is a tracking technology used for vessel tracking. If the source property of an event shows "ais", it means that the event was generated based on the vessel's AIS signal.

If the source property of an event shows "terminal", it means that the event was generated by the terminal. These will include milestones not commonly reported by steamship lines, such as ‘Free time to expire’ and ‘Available for pickup’, which are sourced directly from terminal operators. This allows you to receive events like ‘Discharged from Vessel’, ‘Gate Out Full’, and ‘Gate in Empty Return’ without needing to rely solely on carriers. Please reach out to support@vizionapi.com if you are interested in taking advantage of port and terminal data.


When the source property of an event shows "rail", it means that the event was generated by the rail line. These will include milestones such as 'Container available for pickup', 'Loaded on rail', 'Rail arrival', and 'Rail departure'. You can see all available rail events here. Please reach out to support@vizionapi.com if you are interested in taking advantage of rail data.