422 error in No Code Workbook

A 422 error thrown in the No Code Workbook means an Unprocessable Content status was returned from Vizion's server. There are a few common issues that return this status.

If you see the error below when attempting to subscribe to containers, this means you have entered a master bill of lading number, but not the carrier code. Make sure to enter the carrier code and resubscribe to the containers:

Exception: Request failed for https://prod.vizionapi.com returned code 422. Truncated server response: {"errors":[{"property":"scac","name":"is_string","message":"scac must be a string"},{"property":"scac","name":"is_not_empty","message":"scac should... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)

When you see Unknown carrier in the error text, this means that the carrier code has likely been entered incorrectly. Check for extra spaces and compare your carrier codes to our list of supported carriers:

Exception: Request failed for https://prod.vizionapi.com returned code 422. Truncated server response: {"error":"Unknown carrier. If you believe this is an error, please contact support."} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)